Links: Travel
Chinese Business World - Extensive site with travel information, hotels (by city, province and rating) and a variety of resources.China National Tourism Administration - Site in Chinese for those wanting to visit China. Provides basic information regarding visas, travel arrangements and major country attractions.
Discount Hotel Bookings in China - This sight gives specific information on each hotel, including rates, from 5 star to 2 star hotels. An excellent resource for the budget conscious traveler.
Regent Tour - A wealth of general country information and basic information for the traveler. Includes basic information on passports and visas.
Tongren City - Get to better know and prepare for travel to the city of Tongren.
Travel Health Online - Provides information on health, risks, precautions and other medical matters as well as Chinese customs, laws and other matters relating to travel.
Travel Now - Give descriptions and rates for hotels in China when you provide the city and travel dates.